Rediscover Picasso in Paris
Categories : Exhibitions and Museums, published on : 9/5/18
It's always a joy to rediscover – or discover – Picasso. Always fascinating, innovative and surprising, the great artist has two exhibitions dedicated to him in Paris this autumn – one at the Orsay Museum and the other at the Picasso Museum. Rare works, fascinating layouts and original approaches make for extraordinary experiences.
Two exhibitions, two different approaches
The exhibition curators at the Orsay Museum, in collaboration with the Picasso Museum, have chosen to explore the artist's blue and pink periods. This angle allows them to show the many, often overlooked, links between Picasso and the major artistic trends of the nineteenth century. Before he became the contemporary artist we know so well, Picasso was heir to the older schools of painting.
A radically different approach is taken by the Picasso Museum which puts the notion of masterpiece with regards to Picasso under the spotlight. Impressively illustrated with archival materials, the museum offers an original look at the reception given to Picasso's works.
Enjoy Picasso's Paris
The Masterpieces! exhibition at the Picasso Museum – just ten minutes by metro from Les Plumes Hotel - will start the ball rolling on September 4, 2018. The Picasso exhibition at the Orsay Museum starts on September 18, 2018 and you can book your tickets now to avoid any delays on arrival. The Les Plumes team can give you all the information you need to reach either museum as quickly and easily as possible. After devoting a day to the Spanish artist, you will certainly enjoy relaxing on the hotel patio with a gourmet tea or, depending on the time, a refreshing cocktail.
From this coming autumn until mid-January, Paris honours Picasso. Another great reason to pack your bags for a Parisian getaway at Les Plumes Hotel!
Photo credit : Surian Soosay